Thursday 3 July 2014

Red Velvet

My first view of the red velvet gilt-edged diary
Was of its opening page, of a declaration in my newly-wed aunt’s hand
On my uncle’s behalf
Saying he will never hit her again
Signed by my uncle, with love.

In the bottommost shelf of her almirah
I saw the book again today
When her teenaged daughter was rummaging for a favourite top.

Skipping several blank pages after the first one
I saw my aunt’s grocery lists
And miniscule digits secured in ovals
That showed how much she had managed to save.

First published in Muse India, Jul-Aug 2014. Subsequently published in Califragile, 23 Jan 2018.


probe said...

You must surely know, how well you have closed this.

ankita said...

One is never quite sure, really, until readers reassure. In this case I do wish there could have been a different closure.

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