Sunday 13 July 2014


इंतज़ार करते हुए वक्त नहीं, हम बीतते हैं 
और इंतज़ार करानेवाला सोचता रह जाता है 
कि जितना छोड़ गया था
उससे कम कैसे?

First published in Samalochan, 10 July 2014.


Anonymous said...

The title of this poem reminded me of those Nandan stories I'd read as a 7 year old, picked up from book stalls on railway platforms. Maybe it's the word vyateet that I had not heard in ages.
Super like

ankita said...

Nandan and many others we used to read have entirely changed now. More puzzles, etc., than stories.

probe said...

There's no use waiting for someone who doesnt know, but who gives us that choice at all...

for the sheer magic this one is, please take a bow :)

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