Tuesday 22 April 2014

Second Place Is No Place

So you have to be in the first place.
So you have to slog till you drop.
So you have to be up again.
So between all this, you can’t afford to have a tête-à-tête with the mynah at your window.
So you have to forget your room has got a window.

Second place is no place.
Because those in the first place are the fittest.
Because only the fittest survive.
Because survival is important.
Or is it?

First published in HT Ranchi Live, 3 November 2002.


Anonymous said...

एक तुम के तुम को फ़िक्र-ए-नशेब-ओ-फ़राज़ है
एक हम के चल पड़े तो बहरहाल चल पड़े

manju said...

Is there is no second place what is the value of first,so second is a must.

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